Scrisoare de intentie strikes again

Dear Mr. X,

I hope this e-mail finds you in good health; a good humor wouldn’t hurt either.

I am writing again (why else?) to see if I can convince you to give me a job. I still believe that working with you would be a great career opportunity.

Of course, it remains to be discussed why you should hire me, but I am certain that I can grow to be a valuable asset for your company. Since our last correspondence I have been working for a medium firm in the auto industry; that means I have had a taste of real work, and still I haven’t ran away.

My job covered all aspects regarding communication (from communication planning to media space buying and management and further on to organizing events), and some unrelated (teaching the use of common PC applications to the feminine staff, for example, proves my never-ending patience and resourcefulness. And the fact that I am not sexist. A sexist man wouldn’t teach a woman anything, would he?).

This gave me the chance to correlate the information acquired in school with the daily life realities. As it is time for me to move on, I am aware that there still is a lot to be learned, and I remain open and willing to improve myself. At least until I win the lottery.

I am attaching my updated resume, hoping that you will find in it, somewhere, a proof of my potential.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,

Aș putea, la o adică, să îți trimit chestii din astea istețe și pe mail.
